Just going through my pictures, and I realised I forgot something pretty significant that happened over the summer. One Saturday evening Maddy and Lydie were arguing over the same toy...Well Maddy ended up on top of Lydie, and Lydie's arm was beneath her in a funny angle. Lydie complained loudly about her arm, and wouldn't use it, and cried whenever I touched it. This would lead some to call the help nurse, which I did, and then head to the emergency room, which I did.
Lydia was then touched, proded, and x-rayed. She wasn't a very happy person. Then 2 hours after we got there, they put her in a plaster cast "just in case" because they couldn't see any actual fractures, but the radiologist wasn't there that evening. He would give us a call the next day after veiwing her x-rays.
After all that fuss it ended up being nothing...that is right nothing. But I had to get a picture of Lydie and her plaster cast. It was about 3lbs and it was very cute watching her try to move around with it. Pictured with her is the tiger they gave her for being such a good girl at the hospital.